Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Have you ever noticed...

Weight Watcher's... day 117
State date: 3.05.09
Start Weight: 170.2
Last weigh-in: 156.0
Goal weight: 135 - Only 21.0 more to go!

So I've been losing weight lately and I've noticed a few things... like when I gained weight, it was mostly in my tummy area or that certain things shrink faster then other certain things... Ug! And, have you ever noticed that when you are losing weight, clothes start fitting funny... not like too big or saggy, but just different? I certainly have!

Today I am wearing pants and a blue top. I've worn this many times before, so it's nothing new, or different or anything like that but today, today they are not fitting like they should... and the only change really is that I've lost almost 15 pounds (that's a small child if you were wondering). My tummy is doing that "mushroom top" thing, which I completely HATE and my pants are falling down with every turn, which yes, is from them being too big - but still...mushroom top! Yuck!!

I can't keep going out buying new clothes either! Speaking of new clothes... I did just buy some new pants at JCP a couple of weeks ago. I think I blogged a little about that trip... They are the A.N.A. brand. If you don't already know, ANA is a great brand for the bigger girl! They have built in stretchy stuff so your pants start out kind of snug, then stretch to fit nicely... well, that is for the most part.

If I can get away with it, I won't wash my pants until the 2nd time around (and if I'm really lazy, the 3rd time around... lol) and with the ANA brand - that is not always a good thing. I wore my new ANA crop pants to Church Sunday, then was wearing them again Monday, but by then, they were already stretched to fit and then stretched even more, so they were too by Monday!! Ug. I suppose I shouldn't be complaining really... and I suppose I'm not complaining about losing the weight. I'm just complaining clothes don't fit like they should!!!

If there was one thing to do away with, it'd be shopping for clothes -that fit! It's hard enough trying to find something of a bigger size that doesn't look like a circus tent *itself*, then when you do find something, it's another thing trying to make sure it doesn't make *you* look like a circus tent while wearing it! I don't remember having these issues when I was younger and skinny-er. :)

Men -you should be nicer to women! I bet you don't have it nearly this bad... lol

Til next time... Hope you are having a fabulous day!

1 comment:

  1. Well we are definitely going to start working out soon! That'll help your mushroom top and my boo-tay. :) You're doing such a great job!
