Monday, March 9, 2009

Weight Watchers... part 1 of ?

So I've officially joined Weight Watchers! Yep, I'm one of "those" people now... you know, the kind that stop and count every calorie, fat gram and carb!!! Don't be ashamed to go out to eat with me... soon, it'll be like second nature to me and you won't even notice it! :) Hey! You may even pick up a thing or two!!!

Watch out world... I'm coming back, only in a smaller form. :)


  1. Funny story about tracking Weight Watcher points. My mother enrolled in the fall of 2004 and became very passionate about her point count. She would excuse herself from the table when we would go out to eat and suddenly disappear for longer than the usual bathroom break. So my sister or I would excuse ourselves to go check on her and she was busy counting away, writing her things down. She was the point Nazi I we affectionately started titling her and it paid off...she lost well over 80 lbs on the program and regained her energy levels back. It's a great support system. I hope you find much success in it. They are successful because of the accountability and I've always appreciated what they did for my mom. She's now a lifetime member and continues to count her points, it's become a part of her lifestyle.

  2. @Margie: That story about your mom is too funny!
    @Holly: I can't wait to see Weight Watchers work for you!

  3. @Lydia: I can't wait either... I'm waiting, patiently, for the pounds to fall off!!

    @Margie: Thanks for the encouragement! It means alot. :)
