Thursday, March 12, 2009

Weight Watcher's... day 7

So today is day 7 of my WW journey... and I don't feel any skinnier then I did a week ago! Ug! Though to be honest, I also don't feel like I've done as good of a job as I could have been either. Is it because I have those extra 35 points (weekly, not daily) to use besides my daily limit of 23 points? Maybe, but without them I definitely would not be on track!

So far, I have 10.5 "extra" points to use before Friday night... Saturday is my weight in day and also the start of a new week for me. They're not 'fancy' points though, as in they don't "roll over" to the next week -so you either use 'em or lose 'em. Hopefully, I'll lose 'em! :) But they sure come in handy at the end of the day!!

But I suppose, all-in-all, I'm definitely in a better place then I was 7 days ago. Maybe not lighter, but definitely a better place! I feel better, I'm eating healthier then ever before, my activity level is increasing, I'm taking vitamins (sorta), etc... all good things! Who knows, there might be something to this 'life change' after all.

Now, how to keep this momentum going... Any suggestions??

My friend Aimee, from SSC, has been a big influence with deciding to join WW. She has 3 children -all 1 yr apart (just about), we are close in age, and we seem to get along pretty well... So I thought "well if Aimee is doing such a great job on this 'life change', then maybe I could too". Note: She's lost almost 20 lbs in 2 or 3 months!! Plus, we have another friend in SSC that has lost something like 60lbs in I think 6 months or so! I mean, how great are these women I know!!

So anyway, originally Aimee was just going to help me do this on my own (I couldn't quite afford to join just yet) by using the WW tools she already knows but we quickly figured out that that wasn't really possible. There is so much to know, so many questions I had and still have... points calculating, food choices, eating out choices, activity exchanges -you name it, I was asking about it... So I took the plunge and joined! I suppose, so far, it's not too bad! Aimee still helps me quite a bit -I just called her yesterday about eating out... Btw, I still did not make a very good choice! Quizno's is not healthy!! 7 points for a small (kid's meal) turkey and cheese sandwich!! :)

Happy eating to all.


  1. Congrats on your first week! I'm proud of you and the effort you're putting into losing weight. And tomorrow we'll mall-walk!

  2. Hey Holly,

    "You go girl" - (I hate that phrase) but it seemed apro po (sp?)

    Chck out my blog:
