Monday, October 27, 2008

Arbonne party -you're invited!

My good friend Lydia hosted an Arbonne party a couple of weeks ago; I had so much fun that I agreed to host a party myself... Guess what? You're invited too!

Join us for a journey into a season of wonder and wishes, courtesy of the Arbonne holiday line. Revelry or relaxation, dazzling the town or dimming the lights, a gift to yourself or a perfect something for others; wherever your fantasies lead, Arbonne's holiday delights will take you.

It will be hosted at my house on 11/15/08 at 9:30 am. Breakfast items will be served, so come hungry! Please email, or leave a comment on this page, if you plan to join us.

Oh, and did I mention that my little one will be there too. Yep, as you know our "sitter" moved back home about a week ago! :) --> Scratch this. Lydia is babysitting Sophie that day. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I have down that I'm watching Sophie that morning. I'm available to, if you need me! You can pay me in sausage biscuits. :D
