Starting weight: 170.2
Last Weigh-in: 160.4 (5.02.09)
That's a total of 8 weigh-in's, at about 1.2 lbs per weigh-in, for a total of 9.8 lbs! Wow, Who knew I would last this long...? I am so proud of the progress I've made thus far even though, yes, I could be doing better then I have. But I'm still proud of my progress! :) Beside, it took a few years to put it on, how can I expect to take it off any different? Ok -let me just say, by golly, if it takes a few years to take it off, I'm seeking a surgical answer! :)
I do wish it can easier for me though but I suppose without some trials, you wouldn't know what you were made of -much like the rest of life! I suppose it doesn't help that I have a tendency to reward myself with the very thing I am trying to lose either... food!
In the past if I dropped 5lbs, I would say "Wow, I did great! Let's celebrate by going out to eat!!" :) Or, "I've had such a hard day/week -I just need something quick and easy -Pizza anyone?" I'm happy to report, I still have 1 frozen pizza in my freezer and when Lydia and I get together, my first food suggestion isn't pizza anymore!! I've went from eating pizza at least once a week to every other week (sometimes longer!). Big steps for me!!!
I am also happy to report that I have been eating more fruits and vegetables at every meal. I'm not a big fan of the veggies yet, so they are usually the first thing off my plate but that just leaves more time to enjoy the rest of my yummy food -without guilt! It's getting better with every passing meal though. :) I've also notice that it is putting forth a better example for my little one as well... she may not eat veggies like she used to, but at least she see's I am making an effort too and will take a Small bite too. Yea!! My next goal is getting her to eat something other than hot dogs and cheese!
Till next time... Have an enjoyable weekend blogger's.
Yay! I'm so proud of you! This week I caved to the $5 pizza as a quick meal. Bleh. But a pound a week is really the way you're supposed to lose weight, not fast! Changing the habits you have is the only way to keep it off. You're doing such a great job!