Thursday, October 16, 2008

McCain or Obama

Has anyone made up their mind yet, or is it just me who is completely lost?

Following the debates is very difficult for me. Seems like they talk in circles, never really answering any actual questions and never providing a solution to the already existing problem. Seems like they just want more money, to raise taxes and decrease benefits... keep the rich, rich and the poor, poor.

I like things about each candidate, but I couldn't tell you one thing about either side! How does that work!?!? Maybe what I should really do is make a Pros vs. Cons list for each one. But have you been to their websites? They aren't clean cut sites. There again, everything is in circles and who knows what they plan to cut out once elected! I mean really, you don't think they will be able to pull off everything they claim -right?!?! Ugg.

It would be nice to find a neutral site that would outline what each candidate stands for, what they hope to accomplish or do away with... Can anyone offer a good site to go to?

1 comment:

  1. Holly,

    You cannot cannot cannot vote for Obama. The man is the most liberal senator on the senate. He is opposed to all we as Christians hold dear. (and he considers himself a Christian!). McCain is not much better, but much safer bet. If we want to end abortion, we have to vote for McCain. Obama wants to remove all restrictions on abortion.
